Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Best Pylon Signs Blend into the Streetscape

Commercial landlords who wish to impact commuters travelling on busy roadways and inform them what retail businesses occupy their premises, have three exterior signage options. They could use their own building’s walls as signboards, where that is allowed, or they could make a monument sign somewhere on their property, or they could design and erect a pylon sign which is a billboard on poles.

A pole sign or pylon sign is a popular choice for exterior signage for many good reasons. Pole signs are strong, durable, easy to read, visually attractive, and easily perceived from a distance.

Overall, the best installations are both effective and attractive because they echo the host building design and blend into the landscape.

The pylon sign most often glimpsed by commuters in cars speeding along busy highways is a sturdy schedule-40 steel structure, engineered to withstand 120 miles per hour wind gusts. Replaceable slots are filled with retail store names and brand logos. The messaging sits high enough above the ground that it’s easily viewed from hundreds of meters away. The lettering is high contrast against the background colour to make it more cognizable.

In these photos you can see how the sign that was designed by Sign Source Solution - nicely blends into the grounds keeping and is in harmony with the landscape while still conveying lots of detailed information. The lettering is simple and easy to read without being bland which helps draw commuters’ eyes.

The Best Pylon Signs Are Visible, Versatile and Mirror other Structures on the Street

Visibility from a distance

A pylon sign is a good choice for businesses that wish to be visible from a distance. This type of sign is popular with establishments who wish to be noticed from busy highways and those located in competitive marketplaces. A pylon sign helps any business stand out in a crowd.

pylon sign

Versatility in design

Sign designers at Sign Source Solution are experts at pylon sign's design. Our design experts will help you understand the local sign ordinances, how these ordinances impact your design, and what components are available for your new sign. The message board can have LED words or Video images as well as custom lighting intensity and image frequency, and state of the art building materials.

Alignment with existing infrastructure and brand

New pylon signs should echo nearby building design and reflect the business' existing branding. Square One Mall – Food District sign in Mississauga has a design suggesting a square. Curious little details like that can impact commuters and resonate in their brains.

Using an LED illuminated sign to promote your business is an excellent way to raise your visibility but there are some restrictions on placing giant flatscreens and readers may have seen at Young Dundas square in downtown Toronto. That is a special sign district and different rules apply.
Which Types of Businesses Most Benefit from Pylon Signs?

Commercial centers and retail chains rely on their pylon signs to inform commuters shuttling to and from their destinations of their existence in the area. These signs can communicate deals, such as seasonal specials, or serve as steady reminders that certain businesses still operate on the premises. Such signs are most frequently found helping commercial enterprises like,

Shopping centers often mount multiple signs on a single tower and such signage almost never has an LED screen flashing messages as that would be too much for commuters to absorb.

Big box restaurants can and usually do entice customers from the road and boast their visibility and this is where, if allowed, flatscreens can display messages including sizzling steaks and appetizing desserts.

Car dealerships almost always have enormous pylon signs advertising brand promotions to increase sales, and LED illuminated pylon signs can advertise current deals and sales.

Retail chain stores use a LED illuminated pylon signs to advertise promotions and increase impulse buys.

Apartment and condominium complexes sometimes employ smaller scale pylon signs to make an impression on the neighborhood and attract new tenants. It’s rare these signs would advertise leasing and move-in specials here in Canada, but that is possible.

These are just a few of the different types of the businesses that benefit from using LED illuminated pylon signs but almost any business would experience an increase in sales after deploying a professional designed and installed pylon sign.


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